Jump Start to that New Job Now! Kit
Do you want to get a higher paying job?
Do you want to get into a sales job to make more money?
Do you just need a Job?
Do you want to go after your Dream Job?
Are you an entrepreneur who needs a temporary job while you build your dream business on the side?
Are you out of a job now and need one quickly?
This course and kit will help.
Almost everyone needs a job at some point and 80% of people don't like their current jobs!
Most professionals would like to get a new job!
Many people, now with the downturn of the economy, just need a job!
I am here to help you get that job you want much more quickly using my time tested and proven techniques over the last 25 years.
Personally, I have had different types of jobs and I was able get those jobs using my passion and skills in engagement and sales, to learn how to do this properly - and after much trial and error of course.
I can help you with everything I have learned so you don't have to go through the painstaking process of learning it all yourself.
Simply, I will give you the guide and templates to use to help increase your odds of getting the job you want now!
This is a jump start to get you moving towards your new job today! Much like a jump start for your car, I will give you the right boost to get on the road now, towards a more successful journey.
A lot of times it's what we don't know or don't do, which is keeping us from getting what we want in life.
With regards to your new potential job I will give you the information and tools you need, to help you get the attention of your future employer.
Give it a try and you will be pleased with the engagement you get from your prospective employers.
This is a process you can use over and over again, with many potential and desired employers, in the future.
Even during tough times, this system and process will help you rise above others when it comes to getting attention of the people who hold the key to that job you want.
As a side benefit, this service will also help you create the proactive habit to getting anything you want in life by teaching you how to go after what you desire.
We will start with the right job for now.
The right strategy and the action steps are the secrets!
Included in Kit:
Cover Letter and Resume Templates
Email Follow Up Templates
Correspondence Schedule to Follow
Guide Book showing you the steps
Bonus: A "Sales Made Easy" Guide Book to help you learn how to jump start selling anything to anyone - including selling yourself into a new job!
Overall value for getting a job you want, in a much quicker way: Priceless
Fair Value: $120
Your Price Now: $69
Note: Due to the nature of distributing this course and the value, there are no refunds.
However I am sure that you will be happy with your purchase.
Thank You!
Twitter: @tareknhassa
This kit is licensed for your personal use and may not be sold or given away.
JumpStartJourney © 2023 All Rights Reserved
This product package is an all in one tool kit to help you stand out and get that job you want now! Use the guide book as an overview to understand the basic process and approach. Use the templates to send your correspondence to your desired employers. Use the suggested correspondence schedule to follow up in a smart way. If you follow these steps and use these tools, you will give yourself the best opportunity to succeed and to get that job you really want now! The habits you will gain from this reading and this tool kit will help you in other areas of your life as well! If you need some support please feel free to reach out to me any time, thank you!